Get A Job... is 02:00 on the 15th of July, 2020...I haven't had a paying job since last November.  I had high hopes with the spring research season coming on at OSU and then COVID-19 shut down all hiring.  I have applied many places but cannot seem to find anything.  My wife has been very supportive, literally and I just cannot sleep now because I want to work.  I have 2 applications in currently, but find it very difficult to even land an interview now.  Before COVID-19, I could get interviews and the pool of jobs was much bigger...hiring freezes and fierce competition along with failing businesses are really limiting the field for a ~50 year old with a biological background to find anything.  All my computer/networking experience is unnecessary when student workers can be hired for a fraction of what a 'real' employee costs, and as I said, hiring freeze unless you are in the payroll system currently.  So, I wake up at night with my mind for jobs at local grocery stores, at The City of Corvallis, local job boards, and apply for anything that is a day job.  I do not think I can work night shifts and keep my the house in order and shop, cook, care for pets, and so on.  Now if I found a job that paid more than $14/hr at night, I would consider it, but there only seems to be low end custodial work or bread baker positions (I have done the night baker job at New Morning Bakery in the mid 1990' was hard enough then, but I like being married!)   I think today I will drive around to filling stations and apply for attendant positions and clerks.  I once said I would never leave the Pacific Northwest, that I would rather pump gas than go back East of the Cascades or South of Mendocino CA.  I can work in the Emerald Triangle, I hear they have good benefits...

I think I may have to answer for that statement.  Not that anyone reads this, but if you hear of anything I am definitely looking for work! I will post in 2 weeks to let myself know if I have landed a job and can stop having to hear my Mom's suggestions on what I can do.  I am applying for school bus driver, and if I get it I am changing my name legally to Otto!
