Get A Job...still looking...

I have 5 applications in, ranging from clerk to IT support...and I am pro-affirmative action, but every time I fill this part out I cannot help but feel like it bumps my chances.  If it does, well Lord knows there is a reason for that!  One can choose to not answer these, and maybe I shouldn't...but I have to. I am a white male, and my predecessors have had it real good because of that simple fact. I have had it real good.  I just hate these sex and race questions.  I have been in charge of hiring, and I have heard things that make me sick, like not hiring someone because they were male and we had too many males.  So that far more qualified individual was dismissed because he was born with a penis  I have also encountered situation where someone that had minority qualification did not want to be considered any differently, but the boss wanted more diversity in the workforce so she was made to call attention to her heritage, even when she was bothered by it,  She wanted to be judged on her own merit but was forced to play a race card for someone else's agenda. Well...I guess I will start to check 'do not care to answer' if I don't get any of the jobs I am after.  Or should I stick by my guns and just be honest and open?
