nothing like Waco, Ruby Rdge, or now...PDX (call it anything you want, it's too late now)
and every day the paperboy brings more:
rights? what were those...?
yes it is...and this is about as CIA in the 1980's in Latin America as you can get, when my Dad went to Colombia and Bolivia the locals had no love for the CHIA, as they called them, for aiding their governments make their families and friends disappear. Brute force, why??? intimidation on our citizens. Next up, people go missing...for good.
2020-07-21: I was pissed, now I am furious at this. Why in the FUCK won't the Government Agencies kidnapping citizens take their power and kidnap some of the gun wielding terrorists off the streets? The only message I hear is it is OK to parade around with assault rifles and even shoot your fellow citizens, that the FBI/CIA/DEA/ATF (or the newest alphabet soups on the streets; the Customs and Border Patrol CBP) willnot risk their safety to remove you and gather your information. That is...if you pose for a picture that makes the evening news, they might put you in a file. But if you are a protestor, hell even a rioter...then we are going to use tactics I used to only think could NEVER happen to Americans on American soil, by the United States of America's Secret Police Force. That is white privilege...the fact I thought this could never happen to Americans, from my perspective that means white Americans...imagine what POC have to feel everyday and now white citizens are fair game so I can only imagine what the kidnappers do to POC.
The take home message from what our Government is doing in PDX is: YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS, YOU THOUGHT YOU DID...YOU HAVE BEEN FEELING THEM SLIP AWAY, BUT THEY ARE GONE! We will come into your house no-knock, we will kidnap you, we will seize your life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
Can we even get back some of the American Dream? Signs point to no...someone that can yell louder than you and that carries an assault rifle into anywhere they want thinks you do not deserve your rights. And this Administration supports them wholeheartedly. The next step is to round you up, and ghost your ass!
At this point, I put nothing past this Administration, just wait and see...or protest and see if you get shot, or gone missing, maybe if you are lucky you will just get a rubber bullet or tear gas can shot at your head. God Bless AMERIKKKA. Next time you are being grabbed by a bunch of people and shoved in a van, do not resist for God's may have won Publisher's Clearing House! Or you could be getting deported.
So long...
- Miranda Warning
- Procedural Due Process
- Habeas corpus
Greetings from Heimerdingen!
ReplyDeletemy best friend wrote something on my blog! Now I love day, for me, ever!