You learn something new and depressing every day...

So, lets say our response to SARS-CoV-2 is just typical human behavior, how can it be anything else...?  At first Texas was in deep denial.  Go fuck yourself, it won't happen to us, et cetera. But then, after it was far too late to do anything to mitigate the spread or intensity of infection we get this behavior:
So, as we can see, in if we were to save the planetvwe all rely upon to fucking exist, what is the appropriate measure to wake the fucking dipshits up?

Let’s pretend that we aren’t on the precipice just for a moment...don’t forget for a second that this is not going away. Best case scenario is we begin to treat each other with some respect, just in time for massive droughts, fires, and famine.  What will the billionaires do with all that money that means nothing then??? Eat the rich! 😛
