one ventilator town...

 some of us with parents that fall into the COVID-19 high risk group are left to worry about their choices and actions.  the irony is not lost on me, Jerod worries about the reckless behaviors his Mom has been a participating in...such as having cleaning staff, gardeners, and handymen in and out like it’s 1999. Going to stores where safe practices are considered to be Godless or Democrat Communist or just too inconvenient! How many beds does the nearest hospital have? It had one ventilator in March. Idaho, the land of  the potato, the very underpaid, and a town or two of Über rich folk.  So, on the bright side, there are very few people per square mile.  The perfect storm is brewing there...lots of immigration for wide open spaces, but to get provisions people from all over the country are going to the few stores present.  Locals are divided between plandemickkkers, people that make low wages so to pool resources they are in large groups for living and socializing, God fearing church goers that don’t social distance and normal families that just are doing their thang. I have heard of many folks doing all they can to stay safe, but if you have several weak links in the chain, it is only a matter of playing the odds.  One thing I have learned, Boomers know what’s best and don’t waste your breath trying to tell them anything because you’re wrong or that fact doesn’t apply to them silly youngster! If they happen to be cable news people, instead of reading unbiased facts from AP or Reuters and making up their own minds, someone is doing that part for them already.  I wish my Mom would become a Blue Apron subscriber...I wish she didn't go out to town daily...I wish she didn't have staff coming and going in and out of her bubble!  Why?Because I love her and she, by doing the things she s 'needs' to do, she is exposing herself to unnecessary risks.  Especially if it is like going to WinCo here in Corvallis!!!
