so happy!

 i took off my wedding ring a couple weeks ago because i was doing yard work and it bites into my ring finger. i never took it off for for 11 years. i took it off and had it by the side of my pillow. waking up with the dogs in the dawn, i laid it down on the coffee table. couldn’t find it. i knew it could only be. 2 places, or should i say areas. didn’t want to freak out, but i was. then kate went to africa and i didn’t want to say anything to cause any worries before she left. i started to really freak out. i’ve been freaking out…looking everywhere in those areas. started to tear everything apart. kinda resigned myself to having lost it.

but today i looked again and, it was right under the table i looked under before. i saw it. i knew where it should have been but either a dog, cat or myself had knocked it off. i found it. i have not felt so happy in a very long time.
